Wendy had to work all day Saturday, and it was one of those days that I could not stand the thought of studying anymore. We've been having a lot of unseasonably wet weather for this time of year and as a result I've been kind of intrigued with how light reflects off of water. I spent the afternoon in Salt Lake trying to capture some of the water on the streets. I have to admit, shooting pictures in a busy city without really having a subject is a lot harder than I thought, especially when the rain is pouring down and I'm trying to keep my camera dry by holding it inside of my coat. I bet I looked funny...

While I was struggling to find any real subjects, and soaking myself in the process, a line of policemen rode up towards the capitol building. Shortly after them came a long line of people, also getting soaked. They were chanting their feelings about gay rights, or in this case, what they thought was the lack thereof. Not exactly the subject I went there to shoot, but the pictures turned out kind of interesting.